Welcome to Close Taggart Cottages in the Isle of Man Welcome to Close Taggart Cottages Leaf icon
About the Isle of Man

The Island is best known abroad for its TT Races. But there's a lot more. It is historically Gaelic-speaking, and the "old mother tongue" can still be heard spoken among the present generation. As can the traditional music of the Island.

Geographically, it is a microcosm of the British Isles, with beautiful rural scenery. It is about 32 miles long and 13 wide. It has an integrated transport system which includes steam and electric railways. The roads are quiet and touring is still a pleasure here. The Island caters for most other pleasure interests: walking; swimming; cycling; golf - or just relaxing!

Please click on the images below to see various areas of this wonderful Island!
All images in this gallery have been supplied courtesy of Lily Publications / Department of Tourism and Leisure.

Also available is the recently launched e-brochure which showcases the many heritage attractions that the Isle of Man has to offer visit:
