Close Taggart is an ideal base for your walking holiday, here are a few ideas:- (easy walk of about half a mile) a walk to the Manx Wildlife Trust Reserve, a wetland area with board walk and bird hide with observation post. You may see a wonderful display of wild orchids, wild flowers and ferns, including the Royal Fern, or birds such as hen harriers coming in to roost in the Autumn.
For an interactive map of one of our favourite walks, please click here or on the image. (Flash Player required).
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An easy walk of about 2 miles along country lanes through the Curragh wetland area, enjoying the call of the curlew, or admiring the wetland flora and fauna such as bog bean, bog myrtle, purple loosestrife, to name but a few.
An easy walk of about four miles - to the quiet, sandy picturesque
Killane shore and return.
An adventurous wetland walk of about two miles ... into the Curragh wetland area along board walks and narrow paths - a wonderful walk giving you an idea what this area might have looked like 10,000 years ago. Today you may even see a wild wallaby in addition to enjoying the 'wetland experience'.
A more arduous circular walk of about 14 miles taking you into the Northern hills, a reasonably hard walk climbing to about 1200 feet.